Are you tired of being home and looking for something fun to do? Join us for a short educational workout! Exercise is a great way to stay active and help reduce stress levels. Luckily, you can exercise anywhere, you simply need some instruction and motivation to workout from the comfort of your home.
Harrisonburg Parks and Recreation has teamed up with us to present a short instructional workout video. Along with the exercise tips, we have intertwined drug and alcohol education throughout the video.
Comment below to tell us what you're doing to stay active while at home, enjoy!
Writing prompt: write rap lyrics or poetry about one or more of the following questions:
1. Have you ever felt pressured to try drugs or alcohol because you saw someone who you looked up to doing it? How did you handle the situation?
2. Write about two potential scenarios when someone your age might be offered drugs—and then come up with a solution to handle each one.
3. Why do people do things that they know will hurt them?
Shenandoah Valley Emotional Support Line (540) 820-5762 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7 - 10pm #ShenValleyCares La Línea de Apoyo Emocional del Valle (540) 820-5762 Servicios en español: lunes, miercoles, viernes, 7 - 8pm #ApoyoEmocionaldelValle